Welcome Letter

Welcome Letter

Dear Friend,

If you have a health condition that’s causing you pain, sapping your energy or lowering the quality of your life, I’ve got good news for you. The chances are very good that we can help you. Whether it’s back or leg pain, neck or shoulder pain, or conditions like chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia, carpal tunnel syndrome, arthritis or herniated or degenerated discs, we help patients every day get relief naturally.

We Are Different … Guaranteed.

Lakewoods Chiropractic is different from any other office in Minnesota. We start with our commitment to serving you. Our team goes out of their way to make you feel special and at home. Next are our unique services. We offer the most advanced and successful integrated treatments currently available to help you not only get out of pain, but correct the underlying cause of the problem and restore your health and vitality.

We have a high success rate helping hundreds of people in the Forest Lake area with their health problems.

The Good News…

If you’ve already tried other doctors and treatments, and didn’t receive good results, don’t give up hope! You have not tried what we offer. And there is a very good chance we can help you. In fact, many patients come to us after their other efforts have failed, and have received great results in our center.

There are several reasons why our approach works so well. First, we are very comprehensive in your consultation, your examination and monitoring of your progress. Next, our healing programs are specialized and tailored to your individual needs. And finally, our treatments continually evolve with the science and practice of health care. Our office offers patients a unique and integrated system to deliver the most advanced treatments for the spine and body, coordinated to ensure your health needs are met.

Are You Committed to Being Your Best Again? Let Us Help!

forest_lake_chiropracticTake a look around the website to learn more about how we can help you. If you like what you’ve seen and our approach makes sense to you, I encourage you to schedule a complementary (no-charge) consultation. This is the best way for you to learn about your options first hand and for me to determine whether we can help you.


Jason Gerard, D.C.
Forest Lake Chiropractor
Lakewoods Chiropractic

Minnesota's Top Chiropractor

Minnesota 2024 Award

Forest Lake Chiropractic

Contact Us

Lakewoods Chiropractic
255 Highway 97, # 2A,
Forest Lake, MN 55025
Phone: (651) 464-0800
E-Mail: [email protected]

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