Losing Weight May Prevent Back Pain

Posted on Aug 2, 2020

If you’re like most people, last New Year’s Eve you vowed to lose weight this year. How’s that going? Most people are seemingly heavier than before, especially thanks to the coronavirus pandemic which has caused much of the U.S. population to stay indoors, in their homes, holed up for months.

Sheltering in place has led to weight gain of up to 16 pounds for 76 percent of Americans, according to a study commissioned by Nutrisystem. It has been harder to stay physically active and maintain a “normal” meal schedule thanks to the bad news people keep getting via their smartphones, computers and TVs. Everyday it seems like something else is wrong with the world, and it’s causing people to eat to cope with all the fear and anxiety the world has these days.

Did you know that according to a CDC Adult Obesity Facts page, 42 percent of Americans are obese? When a person’s weight is higher than what’s considered healthy for their given height then they’re overweight or obese. “Body Mass Index,” or BMI, is used to screen for this… and, for example, an adult who is 5’9” and weighs 169 to 202 pounds with a BMI between 25 and 29.9 is considered overweight. If he or she weighs 203 pounds or more with a BMI over 30, that’s considered obese.

Does obesity correlate with musculoskeletal pain, and, more specifically, back pain? It sure does! By having a “belly” or “tummy” that sticks out you’re adding strain to your muscles and ligaments in the back– they have to work overtime to support the fat in the front. When a person is obese, the body has to compensate for the weight whereas the spine can become titled and stressed unevenly. It’s not unusual for overweight/obese people to have back pain because their spine isn’t supporting them like it should– and there could be an unnatural curvature of the spine thanks to the added weight.

Excess weight tends to pull the pelvis forward; It strains the lower back. It can also lead to a herniated disc and sciatica. Excess weight can also exacerbate arthritic pain.

So what can be done about this? If you’re overweight/obese and have a high BMI, it’s time to lose some weight. As you lose weight around your midsection, you should have less back pain. How do you know if you need to lose weight? If you’re a woman with a waist measurement of more than 35 inches or a man with a waist measurement of more than 40 inches, it makes sense to think about losing weight. Chiropractic care can help your body “right itself,” aligning your spine and accelerating weight loss thanks to the accountability of checking in with your doctor regularly.

Need help losing weight and getting rid of your back pain? Make an appointment at Lakewoods Chiropractic in Forest Lake, MN. Call 651-464-0800 or email [email protected] today.

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