Posts made in April, 2020

Do you, your family members and/or co-workers suffer from migraines? What are some natural ways to prevent migraine headaches? Natural remedies for migraines might include acupressure/acupuncture, dietary changes, the use of essential oils, stress reduction/management, yoga/stretching, massage, and/or chiropractic care. Most people think of chiropractors as doctors who deal with low back pain, but did you know chiropractors deal with...

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Meditate Your Way To Optimal Health

Posted on Apr 19, 2020

Some people take pills to feel better. Others meditate. For those interested in natural health, meditation can truly help them feel better on their way toward optimal health. Why is meditation so helpful? Meditation helps people ease their pain, stress and anxiety while improving their mood, immunity and even their heart health. Why is this? Well meditation chiefly helps people de-stress, and any condition caused/worsened by stress...

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Is Pain Shrinking Your Brain?

Posted on Apr 12, 2020

New research shows that long-term pain may actually shrink the brain. Do you know anybody who is suffering with chronic pain? Oftentimes, those with chronic pain experience attention problems. If you’re hurting, it’s going to be harder to concentrate on tasks at hand… after all, the pain is unbearable! Chronic pain, especially lower back pain, can often be linked to the brain. Research studies looked at imaging taken over 15 years to...

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Savor Spring Vegetables

Posted on Apr 5, 2020

If you’re like most people, you don’t eat too many vegetables in your diet. You’re probably used to things like carrots and celery, but what about other vegetables you might try and incorporate into your daily diet? What about savoring spring vegetables this year? What are some of the veggies worth a try? Artichokes are good for you. They have a lot of fiber, as well as potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus and other minerals. If...

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