People spend a lot of their waking hours at work. Whether it’s in an office, at their own home, or in a factory setting, one thing they all have in common is this: work-related pain. It happens to the best of us, doesn’t it?
What are some major reasons people experience work-related pain? Heavy lifting is a culprit, as well as having to perform repetitive movements all day. Perhaps the number one problem at work is this: sitting at a desk all day in one stiff position. All too often, people sit and stare at a screen, barely moving their necks. Then they get neck pain. Or they slouch and feel back pain. Maybe their legs go numb. Or they get carpal tunnel syndrome from the way they type at a keyboard. Of course there’s eye strain, too. My goodness, work-related pain is easy to get these days!
If you exert too much force on your back, lifting heavy things and moving them around, you can feel the pain afterward. If you twist and rotate your spine you can injure your back. And if you don’t do much activity during the day, even that can contribute to back pain and other problems. Also, think about your posture– if it’s “not good,” then expect pain.
How can you combat work-related pain? For starters, adjust your diet. You need to start taking better care of yourself on a daily basis. That means less candy bars and soda pop from the machines or fridges at work. Replace junk food and sugary drinks with veggies and water. Also, take breaks from sitting all day. Get up and move around every 20 minutes or so. Walk to the bathroom, the water cooler, other people’s desks, or wherever just to get your legs and arms moving. Any chance you get to get some aerobic exercise during the work day– take it! If your employer offers tai chi, yoga or other exercise classes/options, utilize them.
Did you know you should be getting at least 150 minutes a week of moderate aerobic activity? Combine that with strength training, such as lifting weights, and your body will be in better shape both at work and at home.
In general, to prevent work-related pain or injury, you need to pay attention to your posture, lift things properly, modify repetitive tasks to reduce strain, and do what it takes to stretch muscles and remove tension whenever you can.
If something’s really bothering you, make an appointment at Lakewoods Chiropractic for chiropractic care.
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