
This Father’s Day Say “I Love You” With a Spine-Friendly Gift

Posted by on 1:58 am in Blog, Chiropractic, Forest Lake Chiro | 0 comments

Dads do a lot of work. They have to take care of their kids, as well as a spouse, a house, the yard, etc. Being a dad is not for the faint of heart!

This Father’s Day what are you getting your dad as a present? Most dads get ties, but how many men really wear ties anymore? Not too many! That said, what about giving a “spine-friendly” gift? In other words, why not connect your dad with a chiropractor and pay for some appointments?

Sometimes all it takes is for a kid to give the gift of chiropractic visits for a dad to actually go and get his spine adjusted/aligned in order to feel better. Do you know a dad who is always complaining about neck pain, back pain, etc.? What good is complaining about pain if they don’t do anything about it?

Chiropractic visits can offer dads relief from the various aches and pains they feel in their overworked, tense bodies. If the dad you know is stressed out, chiropractic can help de-stress them to the point where their bodies don’t “hurt so bad.”

A chiropractic doctor uses his or her hands to manipulate the spine into its proper position. Though we cannot see what’s going on underneath our skin, imagine that our bodies are full of pathways for our various systems to communicate and work well, in tandem. But sometimes there’s inflammation and/or blockages on these pathways, akin to a traffic jam. The chiropractor’s job is to find these problem areas and manipulate them so the body can naturally and safely heal itself. Chiropractors don’t ask their patients to use drugs. Instead, they’re all about natural healing, and many dads appreciate that aspect of treatment.

What do you get the dad who seemingly has everything? Why not give him a spine-friendly chiropractic appointment at Lakewoods? Use our convenient contact form here: and/or call the office at 651-464-0800. Located at 255 Highway 97 (#2A) in Forest Lake, MN, Lakewoods Chiropractic has been named among “America’s Best Chiropractors” for several years in a row. Give dad the gift of chiropractic this Father’s Day.

Could You Be Addicted To Junk Food?

Posted by on 1:56 am in Blog, Chiropractic, Forest Lake Chiro | 0 comments

Junk food is everywhere these days; It’s hard to avoid. Go into a gas station, grocery store or discount store and you’re surrounded by candy bars, salty potato chips, doughnuts, cupcakes and sugary drinks. Are they healthy or nutritious? No. But do we crave them? Yes!

Even though your mind tells you, “This isn’t the healthiest thing to put into my body,” you can easily end up addicted to junk food. Why is that? It turns out that junk food stimulates the reward system in your brain.

Your brain has a reward system that’s designed to make you feel good when you do things that encourage survival… like eating. When you eat, your brain releases feel-good chemicals including dopamine. Thus, eating junk food gives a person a sense of pleasure. No wonder so many people indulge in chocolate, right?

People should feel pleasure in their lives– that’s a good thing! But today’s junk food overwhelms the brain’s reward system. For example, eating a pint of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream releases a huge amount of dopamine, giving you a “high.” And this is a high you don’t get from eating an apple or carrots or celery.

What do people do when they eat something that makes them feel good/better? They eat/drink even more of it! Dopamine receptors downregulate. The brain decides the amount of dopamine is too high so it removes dopamine receptors in order to restore balance. Therefore, you eat more junk food because it’s harder to “get that high.” It’s an addiction when someone doesn’t feel happy if they’re not getting their junk food “fix.” Hence, they’re going through withdrawal, just like someone who is addicted to cocaine would do!

If you or someone you know is addicted to junk food, it’s not unusual to keep it a secret. Depression and/or anxiety may go hand-in-hand with a junk food addiction. How does a person beat their junk food addiction? They can try and quit eating/drinking trigger foods and drinks completely, and/or work with a nutritional counselor to help change their habits.

Did you know chiropractors help people overcome their junk food addictions? It’s helpful to be accountable to someone– you can “check in” with a chiropractor and tell them what’s working for you, and what’s not. Having someone to be accountable to can truly help people overcome their junk food addictions.

Low-back Pain And Exercise

Posted by on 2:49 am in Blog, Chiropractic, Forest Lake Chiro | 0 comments

Most people who experience low back pain automatically assume they shouldn’t exercise. If anything, they want to spend time on their couch or in their bed– not moving… but here’s the deal: moving is actually good for your back.

If you have low back pain, there are helpful exercises you can do to strengthen the back as well as stomach and leg muscles. Ideally, you want to exercise these parts of the body in order to help support your spine and relieve pain.

Some exercises can aggravate low back pain. For example, you’d want to avoid doing standing toe touches because these put stress on the discs and ligaments in your spine. Toe touches can overstretch lower back muscles and hamstrings. You’d also want to avoid doing sit-ups. While you might think sit-ups could help strengthen your core/ab muscles, remember this: sit-ups use muscles in the hips… and they put too much pressure on the discs in your spine.

So what is a good exercise to do when you’ve got low back pain? How about partial crunches? These help strengthen both your stomach and back muscles. To do partial crunches, lie on the floor with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Cross your arms over your chest or put your hands behind your neck. Tighten your stomach muscles and raise your shoulder off the floor, breathing out as you raise your shoulders. With partial crunches you don’t lead with your elbows or arms to pull your neck off the floor. When you do partial crunches, you generally crunch for a second and then slowly lower your shoulders back down. Repeat this exercise about 10 times. Doing these crunches using proper form prevents having too much stress on your low back. Keep in mind that when you do partial crunches you should keep your feet, tailbone and lower back in contact with the floor/mat at all times.

Another good exercise for people with low back pain? Hamstring stretches! This is where you lie on your back and bend one knee. You can loop a towel under the ball of your foot. Straighten your knee and then slowly pull back on the towel, giving yourself a gentle hamstring stretch. Hold the stretch for about 20 seconds and do the stretch for each leg about 2 to 4 times.

If you’re experiencing low back pain and you want to exercise but you’re afraid you might be “doing it wrong,” please make an appointment with Lakewoods Chiropractic for some helpful guidance. Make an appointment at Lakewoods Chiropractic by calling the office at 651-464-0800 or emailing [email protected].

Chiropractic Care For Infertility

Posted by on 2:48 am in Blog, Chiropractic, Forest Lake Chiro | 0 comments

Sometimes when a woman is trying to get pregnant and it’s not happening she thinks she’s one of the only people in the world having such a problem. That said, infertility issues are much more common than the average person assumes. Almost 10% of the population has to deal with infertility issues.

When a person thinks of visiting a chiropractor, it’s usually regarding back or neck issues. But what about infertility? Can a chiropractor help with that? Well, think of a chiropractor as someone who helps a person with their overall health– and that includes infertility issues.

Research studies in the past have shown that chiropractic care has helped couples become pregnant. Instead of opting for In Vitro Fertilization, which is something that can cost more than $10,000 per attempt, couples have the option to discuss their infertility issues with their chiropractor. Oftentimes, a chiropractor will help patients reduce stress and any interferences happening in the body– with a focus on the nervous system. Promoting health from the inside out, chiropractic care generally helps people live healthier lives, whereas their nutritional intake improves, they start exercising more, and they decrease stress. Utilizing chiropractic care, a couple can improve their breathing, digestion, and blood vessel dilation. In turn, their improved health may help move a fertilized egg into the fallopian tubes. A chiropractor can also help “untwist” a woman’s pelvis, if needed, to take pressure off reproductive organs.

If you want to know more, you’re welcome to Google chiropractic and infertility to read the various studies that have been done. Keep in mind that it takes two people to get pregnant, so chiropractic care is important for both a man and a woman who want to conceive.

Have you been having trouble getting pregnant? Are you looking for a drug-free, alternative, cost-effective way to improve your chances? Consider chiropractic care at Lakewoods Chiropractic in Forest Lake, MN. Make an appointment at Lakewoods Chiropractic by calling the office at 651-464-0800 or emailing [email protected].

Grow A Garden Of Wellness

Posted by on 2:46 am in Blog, Chiropractic, Forest Lake Chiro | 0 comments

In an increasingly stressful world that’s full of technology, don’t you get tired of checking emails and scrolling through Facebook and Twitter posts? There are only so many videos you can watch before your eyeballs get tired and you just need to sleep!

With the world being so “modern” today, what about old-fashioned ideas and things? What about planting a garden this year? It doesn’t have to be huge or elaborate. But just digging your hands in some dirt can help you grow a “garden of wellness.”

For instance, when you dig in soil you’re stirring up “Mycobacterium vaccae.” This stimulates the release of serotonin in the brain– nature’s mood booster! And then there are the things you plant– they can be eaten later on, providing your body with organic herbs and veggies that are rich in nutrients. Gardening is great for those who want to use some of their free time to do something relaxing and peaceful– and something useful!

When gardening, do your best to use healthy topsoil, since that can help your plants grow well over the course of a season. Basically, you want to plant plants in nutrient-rich dirt. Oftentimes, people add some natural fertilizers/compost to their soil in order to improve its quality.

In your “wellness garden,” what should you plant? Some good suggestions include garlic, spinach, and kale. Of course, you’ll choose what you like and/or what you’d like to give to friends and family. Even if it’s something simple like a few pots of tomato plants, at least it’s something– never underestimate small beginnings!

One of the nice things about gardening for wellness is that you get to nurture your garden over time and show it off to visitors. Furthermore, you can get family members such as grandkids to help cultivate the land/pick the veggies so there’s a sense of shared purpose. Think of all the things you could plant now which could end up being used in salads, on top of healthy pizzas, or to help jazz up meat and potato dinners!

If you’re looking for something to do that’s productive and fun, gardening could easily become your new favorite hobby. Plus, you can get family members or neighbors involved, so you get to spend time together growing organic foods you’ll use. Gardening for wellness is also good for getting people outdoors into the fresh air, and it does involve some exercise, too.

Need some tips on bending down to garden and such? Want some ideas regarding what to plant here in Minnesota? Talk to the chiropractor at Lakewoods about your gardening for wellness plans. Make an appointment at Lakewoods Chiropractic in Forest Lake, MN, by calling the office at 651-464-0800 or emailing [email protected].

Chiropractic: Drug-Free Asthma Prevention

Posted by on 2:44 am in Blog, Chiropractic, Forest Lake Chiro | 0 comments

Asthma is a condition where a person’s airways narrow and swell, producing extra mucus. In turn, people with asthma find it harder to breathe. Asthma symptoms can include coughing, wheezing, and, of course, shortness of breath. Though it can’t be cured, asthma can be controlled.

More and more people in the USA seem to be dealing with asthma in recent times– and this could be a result of pollution in the air, as well as mold and even food preservatives. Most people with asthma carry an inhaler with them so they can get needed relief if they have an asthma attack.

While living in a clean environment, staying away from polluted air, and eating healthy are all good ways to combat asthma, what about chiropractic care? Can visiting a chiropractor help reduce symptoms in asthmatics?

Did you know that poor spinal health can contribute to the onset of asthma? Think of all the younger people today who are glued to screens– they’re looking down at smartphones, video games, etc. And they’re spending little time being active. What happens, then? Their posture suffers. And when people have bad posture it’s highly likely that they’ll develop misalignments in their spine.

A misaligned spine ends up putting pressure on delicate nerves, therefore affecting the function of organs and systems in the body. If a person’s lungs are compromised, then they’re likely going to have worse asthma. A misaligned spine can also bother the heart as well as the digestive system. Therefore, a chiropractor can align the spine back into its proper position and restore the function of organs while increasing nerve flow energy.

If you’re looking for a drug-free approach to dealing with asthma, consider chiropractic care from Lakewoods Chiropractic in Forest Lake, MN. Chiropractors wisely address the root causes of problems; It’s not unusual for those with asthma to report an end to their symptoms after receiving chiropractic care.
Make an appointment at Lakewoods Chiropractic in Forest Lake, MN, by calling the office at 651-464-0800 or emailing [email protected].

The Chiropractic Solution For Migraines

Posted by on 11:33 pm in Blog, Chiropractic, Forest Lake Chiro | 0 comments

Do you, your family members and/or co-workers suffer from migraines? What are some natural ways to prevent migraine headaches?

Natural remedies for migraines might include acupressure/acupuncture, dietary changes, the use of essential oils, stress reduction/management, yoga/stretching, massage, and/or chiropractic care.

Most people think of chiropractors as doctors who deal with low back pain, but did you know chiropractors deal with all sorts of pain– all over the body? And there’s a chiropractic solution for migraines!

Chiropractic care involves spinal manipulation as well as massage and various exercises. Together, these things help with both the prevention of and management of headaches.

Your chiropractor could perform neuromuscular massage– this has a focus on “trigger points” within the back, shoulder, neck and head… and this massage can ease the symptoms of migraines. Your chiropractor could also take a multidisciplinary approach to help you deal with migraine pain. Typically, this involves physical therapy exercises as well as relaxation techniques and stress management tips. Furthermore, your chiropractor can offer dietary counseling, since certain foods or drinks could be contributing to the pain you feel in your head. Did you know, for example, that alcohol, caffeine and nitrates can all trigger migraines? That means things like soda pop, chocolates, hot dogs and cold cuts, etc. could be causing your problems.

Migraines cause a severe throbbing pain or pulsing sensation and can be accompanied by nausea and vomiting. Typically, they occur on one side of the head. Those with migraines often have a sensitivity to light and sound, so they’ll want to rest in a dark, quiet bedroom. Obviously, migraine attacks can interfere with a person’s daily activities.

If you’ve been experiencing tough migraines that seem to “knock you for a loop” and essentially ruin your day, you should make an appointment at Lakewoods Chiropractic in Forest Lake, MN.
Please call 651-464-0800 or email [email protected] for more information.

Meditate Your Way To Optimal Health

Posted by on 11:32 pm in Blog, Chiropractic, Forest Lake Chiro | 0 comments

Some people take pills to feel better. Others meditate. For those interested in natural health, meditation can truly help them feel better on their way toward optimal health. Why is meditation so helpful?

Meditation helps people ease their pain, stress and anxiety while improving their mood, immunity and even their heart health. Why is this? Well meditation chiefly helps people de-stress, and any condition caused/worsened by stress can then find needed relief. When a person meditates, they’re relaxing, which helps decrease metabolism while lowering blood pressure and improving the heart rate. It’s kind of like a mini-vacation for the body.

Meditation sends messages from the brain to the body’s various systems to relax. This helps ease tension and tightness in muscles and more. When a person repeats a word or phrase over and over (a “mantra” if you will) they’re ignoring other thoughts while focusing on their breathing. This soothes the body overall, creating a biological response of relaxation that improves a person’s overall health.
Why meditate daily? It has many benefits. Stress reduction is perhaps the most common reason why someone would choose to meditate. By reducing stress, a person also gets the bonus benefit of reducing anxiety. So, for those dealing with paranoid thoughts, social anxiety, phobias, obsessive-compulsive behaviors and/or panic attacks, meditation could truly help!

Meditation promotes emotional health, giving people a more positive outlook on life. It’s hard to be anxious and grumpy when one relaxes themselves, right? Want to be less depressed? Meditate. You can also enhance your self-awareness while meditating, learn to lengthen your attention span, and find more clarity of thinking, which helps keep the mind young.

Finally, know this: if you are having persistent pain, that pain is connected to your state of mind. And if you’re in stressful situations, that pain– coupled with your state of mind– is going to be worse. Therefore, take some time to meditate in order to get rid of some stress, which, in turn, gives you peace of mind… and less pain. Ultimately, meditation can diminish the perception of pain in the brain, and that’s a good thing!

The nice thing about meditation is that you can do it anywhere. It doesn’t require special equipment or space. And it can be done in just a few minutes a day. For more information on meditation, look up YouTube videos or Google “meditation techniques” to see what you can do to improve your overall health through meditation.

Is Pain Shrinking Your Brain?

Posted by on 11:30 pm in Blog, Chiropractic, Forest Lake Chiro | 0 comments

New research shows that long-term pain may actually shrink the brain. Do you know anybody who is suffering with chronic pain? Oftentimes, those with chronic pain experience attention problems.

If you’re hurting, it’s going to be harder to concentrate on tasks at hand… after all, the pain is unbearable! Chronic pain, especially lower back pain, can often be linked to the brain.

Research studies looked at imaging taken over 15 years to show activity in various brain regions when people felt pain. What did these studies find? Pain activates the somatosensory cortex as well as messes with a person’s mood, attention and anxiety. People who took medications and/or substances (like excessive alcohol or opioids) had reduced gray matter in their brains– essentially “shrinking their brains.” This shrinkage was also thought to be caused by overuse atrophy, whereas the brain had to work hard to deal with the pain and therefore wore itself out, hence shrinking…

So, for those of you with lower back pain thinking it’s “all in your back,” realize this– it’s also connected to your brain. A brain dealing with pain may age up to 20 times faster than normal… and shrink up to 11%. For more information about this, you’d want to check research done by Northwestern University researchers.

Interestingly, researchers noticed the part of the brain that shrinks is responsible for memory and information processing– so no wonder it’s harder for people with chronic pain to concentrate, focus, and remember things.

The longer a person deals with chronic pain, the more brain loss they’ll likely experience.

If you’ve been having chronic pain and haven’t done anything about it, or you find yourself medicating without great results, consider chiropractic care. A visit to Lakewoods Chiropractic in Forest Lake, MN, could help you find some much needed natural relief. Please call Lakewoods Chiropractic at 651-464-0800 to make an appointment or email [email protected].

Savor Spring Vegetables

Posted by on 10:49 pm in Blog, Chiropractic, Forest Lake Chiro | 0 comments

If you’re like most people, you don’t eat too many vegetables in your diet. You’re probably used to things like carrots and celery, but what about other vegetables you might try and incorporate into your daily diet? What about savoring spring vegetables this year? What are some of the veggies worth a try?

Artichokes are good for you. They have a lot of fiber, as well as potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus and other minerals. If you’ve been told you have liver issues, artichokes are the vegetables you want to eat more of, since they promote liver health. Meanwhile, they help lower blood sugar and improve digestion.

Another vegetable that begins with the letter “A” is asparagus. You can steam, grill or roast asparagus in the oven. Why bother? Well, asparagus is a superb supplier of Vitamin K and folate. Together, these things help your bones and cardiovascular system.

Here’s one that’s a bit off the beaten path… fennel. This spring vegetable has a licorice-like taste and is known as a great source of antioxidants. Add fennel to your diet to help reduce inflammation.

Have you considered mustard greens? Add these to your salad and you’ll be adding Vitamins K, A and C, all of which team up to fight free radicals and protect your cells against damage.

Do you like radishes but don’t eat them often? Why not make radishes your “new food” this spring, that you add to salads, soups and such? They’re full of Vitamin C and potassium, so radishes are antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. They help promote kidney and blood health.

Finally, Vidalia onions are a savory springtime vegetable which help reduce respiratory ailments such as asthma. A low calorie food, Vidalia onions also contain flavonoids which are thought to protect against several types of cancer.

This spring, why not add some more vegetables to your daily meals? As you know, vegetables are so good for you– people just don’t eat enough of them these days. That said, if you want to be healthier, eat more vegetables!